Orijinz Daily Q&A
Can you explain the letter colors and what they mean?
Typed in letters are gray. Correct letters are Orijinz blue and incorrect letters are red. If you type in the right answer, you'll see the gray letters animate in beautiful Orijinz blue. If you type in the wrong answer, any correct letters in the right position will turn Orijinz blue, but incorrect letters will turn red, and then erase, so you can keep trying.
What are the icons on the upper right of the Orijinz Daily page?
The house takes you to the Orijinz home page.
The "?" provides instructions for playing Orijinz Daily.
The gear icon is for settings such as "Advanced Mode" and "Dark Mode."
The chart icon shows you statistics for all the Orijinz Daily games you have played.
What is Advanced Mode?
In normal game mode, if you guess a word or phrase and your answer is incorrect, Orijinz Daily will erase all the wrong letters but keep displayed in Orijinz blue any letters that happen to be correct and in the right spot. In Advanced Mode, Orijinz will erase all your letters when your answer is incorrect. You get no benefit from lucky guesses!​​​​​
What happens when you turn Share time and/or Share number of revealed letters off in Settings?
If you prefer not to share your time or the number of your revealed letters when you click the share button, you can toggle those options off in Settings.
What happens if I go to play and see "xxxx" under "Origin" and "Definition?"
Try refreshing your browser and that should fix the problem.
Can I share my results with others?
A key part of the fun of Orijinz Daily is sharing your results with others, convincing them to play, comparing your results, and discussing the interesting origins of our language. After you play Daily Orijinz your results will display, and you will see a "Share" button. Choose it to share your results.
Can I see how other players are doing?
After you play your first puzzle, choose the "See Results" button and you can see the results from other players that have chosen to share them. Enter your name and location (example Steph, San Francisco), and all of your results will automatically be posted to the Orijinz results board as well. ​
What is the difference between Orijinz Daily, the Orijinz App and the Orijinz card game?
Orijinz Daily is one free Orijinz every day. It works on your phone, tablet, PC or Mac. There is also an Orijinz Daily App for the iPhone and for Android phones.
The Orijinz App is for your mobile phone or tablet and is the full Orijinz experience. It gives you access to over 1,400 Orijinz cards. The first 15 cards are free and after that you can buy more card packs for as low as $1.99! You can play single player mode to challenge yourself just like Orijinz Daily, but you can also play with friends and family. In multiplayer mode, one person reads the origin, and the other players try and guess the matching word or phrase. It is loads of fun as players blurt out their guesses! Try it next time you are with friends and family or at a game night. To get the iPhone version of Orijinz search for "Orijinz" in the Apps Store or click here.
The Orijinz Card games are the original Orijinz games. A physical card game with 150 cards in a box. A great gift and super fun to play with family and friends. More info here.​
Is there a way to go back and play an Orijinz Daily puzzle from an earlier day?
Unfortunately, not. If you want access to lots more origins, then you need to get the full Orijinz App.
Can we send you feedback or ideas?
Of course, email orijinzgames@outlook.com.